11 Temmuz 2012 Çarşamba
10 Temmuz 2012 Salı
9 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi
SAQA 2012 Auction Piece and 4 x 6 Exchange 2
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Studio Arts Quilt Associates (SAQA) has an art quilt auction every September to raise money for the organization. They encourage members to create and donate a 12" x 12" piece for the auction and this is the third year I have donated a mini art quilt. Above is my piece which I named "The Woman by the Beach." The quilts will be on display at SAQAs website www.saqa.com later this summer and there is an on-line auction. I was able to find out the individuals who purchased my quilts and that was nice to receive an e-mail from them and thank them for choosing my quilt-it makes it more personal!!
I was still inspired by the soft blues, tans and yellows from the Florida mermaid quilt I made for my friend and went with them in this quilt. I modified my pattern to fit the required size. I pieced the background and raw edged fused appliqued the image of the woman to the background. I embellished with blue/turquise crystals for eyeliner. If I mailed it before the March 16th deadline my quilt will be included in the SAQA exhibit that will be displayed at the IQA Quilt Show in Cincinnati OH.
On-line I discovered through The Art House Coopertive an art exchange. It is called The 4 x 6 Exchange 2. All I had to do was enter for free, make any art piece sized 4 x 6 which would fit in a standard envelope, meet the March 31st deadline and mail it to the designated address. When they are all mailed the mini art pieces will be exchanged and I will receive one back in the mail. I will post this returned exchange piece when I receive it! I thought it was a nice coincidence that my fabric postcards were 4 x6 so I used my scraps from the SAQa auction piece and made this postcard. I embellished with fabric paint and a few rhinestones. I mailed it this week and it went to Brroklyn NY. Can't wait to see what I get!!
I was still inspired by the soft blues, tans and yellows from the Florida mermaid quilt I made for my friend and went with them in this quilt. I modified my pattern to fit the required size. I pieced the background and raw edged fused appliqued the image of the woman to the background. I embellished with blue/turquise crystals for eyeliner. If I mailed it before the March 16th deadline my quilt will be included in the SAQA exhibit that will be displayed at the IQA Quilt Show in Cincinnati OH.
Joann Fabrics "Quilt Your Colors" Quilt Contest 2011
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I entered the Joann Fabrics "Quilt Your Colors" Quilt Contest last year and made the cut of 22 finalists and I mailed my piece to the Joann Fabrics headquearters for judging. Unfortunately it did not make the top 10 where all the prizes/money were. I was bummed and said I wouldn't enter the next year. The size requirement was a minimum 36" x 36" which I thought my quilt measured. It actually shrunk in the quilting process and was not the minimum size and maybe that's why it didn't make it any farther than it did. So after 6 months of thinking about it I decided to give it another try for the 2011 contest and go bigger with my entry. This is my quilt named "Sapphire and Topaz" and is 51" x 42." I wanted to explore the color combination of blues and oranges. This was a challenge using Joann Fabrics fabric because they did not have a lot of prints with both colors together in the fabric. I went to three Joann stores-Madison WI, Green bay WI and Escanaba MI, and finally was satisfied with my collection of fabrics for the project. I have a secondary theme of circles in the quilt-circle print fabric, circle appliques, circle echo quilting in the background and circle shaped felt buttons and sequins. I found a fun blue and orange metallic knit in the Hallowee section which fit nicely for part of the hair. I kept the face quite simple because the hair was the emphasis. There are also beads and buttons sewn to the quilt and a bit of fabric paint.
I received a phone call last week to let me know of 900 quilts mine made the cut of 22 which now are shipped to their headquarters for judging!! That made my day!! I sent my quilt to Ohio on Monday and the judging starts after April 1st and by the second half of April we find out who the winners are. The top 3 quilts are photographed and are featured on-line on Joann's website and in an upcoming sale flyer. So it's a waiting game now but I love this quilt-the oranges make me smile!!
I received a phone call last week to let me know of 900 quilts mine made the cut of 22 which now are shipped to their headquarters for judging!! That made my day!! I sent my quilt to Ohio on Monday and the judging starts after April 1st and by the second half of April we find out who the winners are. The top 3 quilts are photographed and are featured on-line on Joann's website and in an upcoming sale flyer. So it's a waiting game now but I love this quilt-the oranges make me smile!!
Evergreen Quilters 2012 Quilt Show
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I entered four quilts in the Evergreen Quilters 2012 Quilt Show in Green Bay WI which was March 24-25, 2012. They are one of the few regional shows that have special art quilt categories-landscape/still life, figurative/portrait, surreal/fantasy and abstract. The two quilts behind me I entered in the surreal/fantasy category and I won both 1st and 2nd place!! I also won an honorable mention in the figurative/portrait category. It was hard to chose which quilts for this show because I don't do landscapes and abstract which meant my work fell into the other two categories. I also had a few favorites at the same time being juried into an art quilt exhibit in Escanaba MI. They chose one out of the three I entered so if I had a crystal ball I would have entered one of the quilts that did not make the Escananba cut.
This quilt I entered in the machine pieced, machine quilted by master quilter category and won 2nd place. That made my day since this quilt was a very challenging project. I used the 2012 Hoffman Fabrics Challenge Fabric since it was going to be used for the challenge but was too big for the rules. I chose to make it anyway and I will enjoy the ribbon!!
This quilt won Best of Show and I like it because it is in bright colors yet the technique is traditional using the Baltimore Beauty style of hand applique. I did not ge the artist's name. :(
This quilt called "Boom-Cosmic Inferno" by Diane Auger was in the Abstract art quilt category. I love it because of the high contrast between the black/white prints and the bright rainbow colors. It looks like a double Ricky Timms' Convergence quilt with her own applique over it. I love circles and thus was drawn to this quilt. It only won an honrable mention but I love it!!
This quilt called
"Zippity Do Dad" was in the Abstract art quilt category by Linda Kuritz and won second place. It has actual working zippers with funky hanging do dads as zipper pulls. I love the string quilt technique and the irregular edge. Lots of activity but it is cohesive in theme. Linda had lots of work in the show and I was able to met her and compliment her on her creativity!!
The Green Bay guild had a great biennial quilt show with 22 vendors (I bought lots of batiks and a tote pattern.) I got to visit with some of my Appleton WI quilt friends and many others quilt friends even those from Marinette/Menominee where I live!! I had so much fun!!
"Zippity Do Dad" was in the Abstract art quilt category by Linda Kuritz and won second place. It has actual working zippers with funky hanging do dads as zipper pulls. I love the string quilt technique and the irregular edge. Lots of activity but it is cohesive in theme. Linda had lots of work in the show and I was able to met her and compliment her on her creativity!!
The Green Bay guild had a great biennial quilt show with 22 vendors (I bought lots of batiks and a tote pattern.) I got to visit with some of my Appleton WI quilt friends and many others quilt friends even those from Marinette/Menominee where I live!! I had so much fun!!
SAQA "I'm Not Crazy" Exhibit Entry
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Studio Art Quilters Association is having an exhibit titled "I'm Not Crazy" which explores mental health issues. I think the title is offensive but whatever. It is the perspective or someone with mental illness, a caretaker or friend or family member of someone with mental illness. I have a very close friend who is Bipolar and is medicated to have balance in her life. This quilt is my interpretation of being bipolar-one minute she is happy, hyper bouncing off the wall and the next sad, depressed and angered. I used muted sad, dull colors to represent being depressed and, of course, the frustrated facial expression. I used bright colored fabrics with lots of chaos for the manic side's clothing, make up and jewelry. Her hair is out of control and her facial expression shouts "manic." I used lots of desciptive words on both sides of the personality in a subtle way in the background. I purposely went subtle because in society we don't want to talk about mental health issues and they are subtle and quiet in our discussions. I found there is a two sided smiley face which symbolizes Bipolar Disorder and I added it to the quilt in the lower center of the quilt.
This photo is a closeup of the depressed personality.
And this is a photo of the manic personality. She's kind of "out there!" Her expression deminds me of Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland!!
Cloeup of the Bipolar symbol and a few of the background words.I embellished the manic side with hand made Sculpey clay beads, a beaded earring, rhinestones for pierced earrings, orange lame' in the hair to symbolize being wired, and some fabric paint. The intent was for excess and chaos in hair, make up, clothing and jewelry. The depressed side has a necklace made to buttons made from leather (pretty cool from a quilt show!), a few beads for the necklace and a rhinestone for the nose piercing. Both have a little fabric paint for details.
The exhibit aplication is online at SAQA's website the month of May and during the summer we find out if we made the cut then the selected quilts will travel for 2 years to the various Mancuso Quilt Shows.
This quilt is not meant to represent beauty but a social issue. I was thinking of entering it in the local community art show at my library which runs through the summer but I'm not sure if the social issue would offend people. I guess art can do that sometimes...
The exhibit aplication is online at SAQA's website the month of May and during the summer we find out if we made the cut then the selected quilts will travel for 2 years to the various Mancuso Quilt Shows.
This quilt is not meant to represent beauty but a social issue. I was thinking of entering it in the local community art show at my library which runs through the summer but I'm not sure if the social issue would offend people. I guess art can do that sometimes...
Quilting Arts Magazine's Reader Challenge Reject!!
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Well I am having a month of rejections!! I applied for an article in Quilting Arts Magazine and was rejected earlier in June. My piece for the "I'm Not Crazy" for SAQA was not selected. They had 128 entries and only chose 20. I'm very bummed about this one because this subject is very personal to me and I put alot of emotion into that piece. Then I entered the Quilting Arts Magazine's Reader Challenge on Signature Color and there were over 150 entries and only 15 were chosen. I had a blast on this little 8" x 8" project including the beading around the binding. This will be a cute addition to my studio and it makes me smile. I'm just a bit unsure if I want to participate in these things for a while. It seems abstract art is trendy at the moment and representational art is on the back burner. I still love to made art and will continue.
8 Temmuz 2012 Pazar
Nap mat made from a shower curtain!
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I have so many projects that once I get done I think it's my favorite - gonna add this one to the list! :)
Back at the beginning of May I went garage sale shopping and came across this shower curtain....

Now I didn't need a shower curtain but I am sucker for some Madras so I bought it. I got a whole box of stuff for $10 so I'm guessing I paid $2 for this.
It had been sitting around for a while waiting for the perfect project and when I was looking for fabric for my son's nap mat for kindergarten it hit me... THE SHOWER CURTAIN! :) I love when something just hits you like a ton of bricks! :)
Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me during construction (stupid I know) so I can only tell you what I did.
So, I started my whole pattern around the grommets at the top. I loved the industrial look of them and knew as soon as I was starting this project that I was going to use these as the closing point for the mat. Originally I was thinking of ribbon going through them to tie, but knowing that this was for a kindergarten boy I had to simplify.

I bought a strip of velco for $.99 at JoAnn's. Didn't like having to look at velco so I covered it with left over fabric!!! GENIUS! Okay, maybe not genius but at least clever, right?

So now all he has to do is roll it up and loop the velcro through to attach it.
Now the nice thing abour constructing this out of a shower curtain is that it already has nice seams and even a lining! :)
Once I got everything measured and laid out the way I wanted it I laid a couple of pieces of batting down and stitched around each box - so that when I wash it the batting dosen't seperate. Now it has little square pockets of fluff! :0)

Cute huh? I even had enough fabric to make a "cover" for him. And I didn't have to do any of the hem here - it came like that and had that cream fabric backing.

And to make the pillow I just sewed off the top part and stuffed it. Easy peasy!
Oh yeah, and I monogrammed his name on it first thing so that the back of the monogram would be hidden in the inside.
I can't wait to see him "try it on" :)
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I have so many projects that once I get done I think it's my favorite - gonna add this one to the list! :)
Back at the beginning of May I went garage sale shopping and came across this shower curtain....
Now I didn't need a shower curtain but I am sucker for some Madras so I bought it. I got a whole box of stuff for $10 so I'm guessing I paid $2 for this.
It had been sitting around for a while waiting for the perfect project and when I was looking for fabric for my son's nap mat for kindergarten it hit me... THE SHOWER CURTAIN! :) I love when something just hits you like a ton of bricks! :)
Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me during construction (stupid I know) so I can only tell you what I did.
So, I started my whole pattern around the grommets at the top. I loved the industrial look of them and knew as soon as I was starting this project that I was going to use these as the closing point for the mat. Originally I was thinking of ribbon going through them to tie, but knowing that this was for a kindergarten boy I had to simplify.
I bought a strip of velco for $.99 at JoAnn's. Didn't like having to look at velco so I covered it with left over fabric!!! GENIUS! Okay, maybe not genius but at least clever, right?
So now all he has to do is roll it up and loop the velcro through to attach it.
Now the nice thing abour constructing this out of a shower curtain is that it already has nice seams and even a lining! :)
Once I got everything measured and laid out the way I wanted it I laid a couple of pieces of batting down and stitched around each box - so that when I wash it the batting dosen't seperate. Now it has little square pockets of fluff! :0)
Cute huh? I even had enough fabric to make a "cover" for him. And I didn't have to do any of the hem here - it came like that and had that cream fabric backing.
And to make the pillow I just sewed off the top part and stuffed it. Easy peasy!
Oh yeah, and I monogrammed his name on it first thing so that the back of the monogram would be hidden in the inside.
I can't wait to see him "try it on" :)
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Faux Ice Cream Sandwiches
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I came across this recipe in the newspaper yesterday and sounded like a perfect treat for my kids (and who are we kidding - ME TOO)!! :)
And they are SOOOO easy. I don't have the newspaper anymore but I want to say that it came from Southern Home. I could be way off here so if it's from somewhere else please don't get offended and hate me!
Okay, here's the recipe:
1 box graham crackers
1 8 oz. tub of whipped cream (fat free, lite or regular)
1 large box of instant chocolate pudding - I bought the sugar free one but whatever you like will work.
Sprinkles (guess you could leave this off but what fun would that be????)
Mix up the pudding per the boxes directions. Once it's all mixed up add the tub of Cool-Whip and mix well. Now at this point I put the whole bowl in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes just to harden it up a bit.
Break your graham crackers in half, put a big spoon full of "ice cream" and top with another graham cracker. Roll the side in sprinkles and your DONE!!! See how easy that is!
Put these goodies in the freezer and in about an hour they will be ready. These are so yummy!! Even the hubby thought they were good and he typically only likes the full fat full sugar version of anything.
Definate success and it makes a TON - used the entire box of graham crackers. Now you've got dessert lined up for a week! Or if your house is like my house they'll be gone in a couple of days! :0)
Happy Snacking!!!
I came across this recipe in the newspaper yesterday and sounded like a perfect treat for my kids (and who are we kidding - ME TOO)!! :)
And they are SOOOO easy. I don't have the newspaper anymore but I want to say that it came from Southern Home. I could be way off here so if it's from somewhere else please don't get offended and hate me!
Okay, here's the recipe:
1 box graham crackers
1 8 oz. tub of whipped cream (fat free, lite or regular)
1 large box of instant chocolate pudding - I bought the sugar free one but whatever you like will work.
Sprinkles (guess you could leave this off but what fun would that be????)
Mix up the pudding per the boxes directions. Once it's all mixed up add the tub of Cool-Whip and mix well. Now at this point I put the whole bowl in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes just to harden it up a bit.
Break your graham crackers in half, put a big spoon full of "ice cream" and top with another graham cracker. Roll the side in sprinkles and your DONE!!! See how easy that is!
Put these goodies in the freezer and in about an hour they will be ready. These are so yummy!! Even the hubby thought they were good and he typically only likes the full fat full sugar version of anything.
Definate success and it makes a TON - used the entire box of graham crackers. Now you've got dessert lined up for a week! Or if your house is like my house they'll be gone in a couple of days! :0)
Happy Snacking!!!
TWO no-heat curl techniques reviewed by your one and only!
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You might have seen this tutorial floating around blogland - how to have gorgeous no-heat curls. Had to pin this one and try it. Then somewhere along the lines I watched this youtube video of another technique. Decided I must try both! :) And here just for you I'll show you both and how they turned out.
Beware lots of pictures coming up - of me and definitely NOT looking my best! But all in the name of beauty (and blogging). :)
Okay, so you start with slightly damp hair.
I'm not going into details because Simply Cadence did an amazing job explaining what you need to do. :)
Here I am after putting my hair up in a high ponytail and (doing my best) rolling it up in the sock.

Here's a top view. Notice how I have pieces of hair sticking out of my bun? I think it's becuase my hair is really just a bit too short for this technique. But off to bed I go...
And here I am in the a.m. I wouldn't really call it "curly" but maybe just wavy. Again, I think it is because my hair is too short to really roll up in the sock.
Okay, so on to the next technique. Go watch the YouTube video to get the full directions. Did ya watch it??? Once I watched it I decided right away to tweak it a bit. If you notice her curls are only on the bottom part of her hair and I wanted curls all over so I thought I'd try to add a second elastic headband on the top part of my hair. Hard to explain, easy to understand from the pictures...
Again, you start with slightly damp hair and I seperated my hair into two sections. I'm not sure why I look like a deer in headlights here???
Here is the bottom part all wrapped up.
And here's both sections wrapped up.
So in the front I had to clip the two elastic bands together because the top one had a tendency to slip off. This wasn't a big deal since I knew I wasn't going to be sleeping flat on my face. :)
Here is is as soon as I took the elastic bands out. Pretty curly huh?!?!?
Back view.
And here I am all ready to go.
Are you loving the whining little girl in the background??? :)
Whatda ya think?
So there you are. Have you tried these techniques yet? Share a link to your picture so we can see how your curls turned out! :)
You might have seen this tutorial floating around blogland - how to have gorgeous no-heat curls. Had to pin this one and try it. Then somewhere along the lines I watched this youtube video of another technique. Decided I must try both! :) And here just for you I'll show you both and how they turned out.
Beware lots of pictures coming up - of me and definitely NOT looking my best! But all in the name of beauty (and blogging). :)
I'm not going into details because Simply Cadence did an amazing job explaining what you need to do. :)
Here I am after putting my hair up in a high ponytail and (doing my best) rolling it up in the sock.
Here's a top view. Notice how I have pieces of hair sticking out of my bun? I think it's becuase my hair is really just a bit too short for this technique. But off to bed I go...
Okay, so on to the next technique. Go watch the YouTube video to get the full directions. Did ya watch it??? Once I watched it I decided right away to tweak it a bit. If you notice her curls are only on the bottom part of her hair and I wanted curls all over so I thought I'd try to add a second elastic headband on the top part of my hair. Hard to explain, easy to understand from the pictures...
i WANT WANT WANT (and need) a Silhouette!!!!!
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I have been seeing all of the amazing projects that can be done with a Silhouette machine and I NEED one!!! This is getting ridiculous! When am I ever going to get one?!?!?! :( I have registered to win one with every give-away and I never win (not surprising). I even contacted Silhouette to see if I could review one and give one away on my blog - the response... "we have opted not to...etc. etc. etc." What else is a girl to do????? Now, you might be saying to yourself, "suck it up and buy one like everyone else". Well I would if I had ANY money! Might think I'm over-exaggerating. Nope! Just got our utility bill. $520 FOR ONE MONTH!!! Are you freakin kidding me???!!!?!?!?! Ugh... okay now that my ranting pity party is over, I'm going to work on smoothing out some floor vinyl for a new project I'm working on. Thanks for sticking through this (longer than needed to be) complaining post! :(
You will be amazed and disgusted all at once!!
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K, so it's been FOREVAH since I've posted or even visited my blogger page. I'm teaching 5 classes this semester so I've been seriously busy! But that's another long story that no one is interesting in. So let's get going on what is so amazing and disgusting that I had to bring myself back from the blogger dead.
Even though I have been absent from blogger I haven't been absent from Pinterest (what can I say - I only have time for one addiction). I came across this Pinterest post...
How to clean a micro fiber sofa.

So we got a micro fiber sofa and immediately the kids did their magic on it and it looked horrific. Finally got a leather sofa and stuck this one in our "play room". I hate throwing things out and my hubby assured me that someone that worked in his restaurant would need a sofa and so it sat and sat and sat. I had reached my limit and was ready to send it curb bound and if my husband would have been home to help me carry it out it would have been gone. So while searching on Pinterest I saw this "How to clean micro fiber". I figured it was worth a shot. So check out her blog to see how it's done.
Now for the amazing and disgusting part. Here is my sofa. I don't think I have to tell you which part I haven't gotten to yet.... How amazingly well just a little bit of rubbing alcohol cleans it and how absolutely disgustingly filthy this sofa was!!
Can you believe that?!?!?!?!? It a miracle in my book! If you have a micro fiber sofa - you MUST do this!!
Even though I have been absent from blogger I haven't been absent from Pinterest (what can I say - I only have time for one addiction). I came across this Pinterest post...
How to clean a micro fiber sofa.
So we got a micro fiber sofa and immediately the kids did their magic on it and it looked horrific. Finally got a leather sofa and stuck this one in our "play room". I hate throwing things out and my hubby assured me that someone that worked in his restaurant would need a sofa and so it sat and sat and sat. I had reached my limit and was ready to send it curb bound and if my husband would have been home to help me carry it out it would have been gone. So while searching on Pinterest I saw this "How to clean micro fiber". I figured it was worth a shot. So check out her blog to see how it's done.
Now for the amazing and disgusting part. Here is my sofa. I don't think I have to tell you which part I haven't gotten to yet.... How amazingly well just a little bit of rubbing alcohol cleans it and how absolutely disgustingly filthy this sofa was!!
Can you believe that?!?!?!?!? It a miracle in my book! If you have a micro fiber sofa - you MUST do this!!
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