- 2 blocks each of FIMO® soft: white
- 1 block each of FIMO® soft: raspberry, pacific blue
- 1 block each of FIMO® effect: nightglow (glow-in-the-dark)
- Gloss varnish or spray sealer (optional)
- Craft knife
- Toothpicks
- Clay modeling tool
- Baking tray
- Smooth work surface (glass or ceramic tile)
- Paintbrush
Follow these directions to make a blue unicorn1. Mix one strip of the pacific blue clay and a whole block of white clay. Keep adding small bits of the blue until correct shade is attained. Divide this clay in half and make a large ball for the body, a smaller ball for the head and two even smaller balls for the ears.
2. Shape the large ball into a big, large comma shape for the body and taper the next ball at one end to make the head with a rounded point for the nose. Shape the two smallest balls into triangle shapes for the ears. Attach all these pieces together. Note: for a better hold, scratch both surfaces where they will be attached with the end of a craft knife.
3. Make four balls of equal size for the legs. Shape these so the foot is slightly larger at the bottom.
4. Attach the legs to the body by carefully pressing the pieces together. Cut toothpicks in half and insert four of them halfway into the body for extra support. Attach the legs onto these posts.
5. Time to make the mane and tail. Take the pacific blue color and make three sizes of balls. Roll each into logs with one end tapering to a point.
6. Use the end of a paintbrush to indent a spot for the tail and insert the grouped blue logs. Do the same for the hair between the ears.
7. Roll four spiked logs and insert into the back of the neck for the mane.
8. Shape a small cone out of the FIMO® nightglow for the horn and colored balls to make a flower accent. Use a toothpick to make indents for the eyes and mouth. Use a smoother modeling tool or the end of a paintbrush to make two indents for the nostrils.
Follow these directions to make a pink unicorn
1. Soften the raspberry clay using hands. Divide this clay in half and make a large ball for the body, a smaller ball for the head and two even smaller balls for the ears.
2. Shape the large ball into a big, large comma shape for the body and taper the next ball at one end to make the head with a rounded point for the nose. Shape the two smallest balls into triangle shapes for the ears. Attach all these pieces together. Note: for a better hold, scratch both surfaces where they will be attached with the end of a craft knife.
3. Make four balls of equal size for the legs. Shape these so the foot is slightly larger at the bottom.
4. Attach the legs to the body by carefully pressing the pieces together. Note the position of these legs for a unicorn in a sitting position.
5. Time to make the mane and tail. Take the nightglow color and make three sizes of balls. Roll each into logs with one end tapering to a point.
6. Use the end of a paintbrush to indent a spot for the tail and mane and insert the grouped nightglow logs. Do the same for the hair between the ears.
7. Mix a tiny amount of raspberry with white to make a light pink for the horn. Roll into a log and give it a gentle twist coming to a point at one end. Make an indention with the end of a paintbrush and insert this into the top of the head. Use a toothpick to make indents for the eyes and mouth. Use a smoother modeling tool or the end of a paintbrush to make two indents for the nostrils.
8. Make accessories like a necklace, horseshoe and show ribbon.
Bake all the clay pieces on a metal baking tray in a conventional oven for 30 minutes at 230°F. Allow to cool completely before removing from the tray. Use FIMO gloss varnish or a spray sealer for a shinny effect.
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